
Enniskerry is a unique and picturesque village in Co. Wicklow. Back in South Africa, where I was born, the magnificent Cape mountain range with the prominent Helderberg Dome surrounds one and provides a constant sense of place.  So do the Wicklow mountains enclose Enniskerry, with the famous Sugarloaf aways visible as a landmark when one is out and about in Wicklow, my chosen home in Ireland.
My Irish grandmother left Ireland for a better life at age 18, never to return, but being of the new generation blessed with the benefits of air travel, I am able to return to make a contribution.
Enniskerry steeple and the tip of the Sugarloaf viewed from inside Knocksink wood.

Here are few a few shots of our colourful display window on a sunny day.

About Us

Dylan Evans, is an Irish-South African jeweller, with a passion for precious gems, who works in Enniskerry during the summer months. He continues to operate his jewellery business, Augenta (www.augenta.com) in South Africa, during the Irish winter, migrating to Africa with the other swallows. The name Augenta (proun. or- ghenta) comes from the Latin words for gold and silver; aurum and argentum. Óir ( proun. or- ) is the Gaelic word for gold.


We’re in the new shop

After some very hard work getting the new premises ready we were open for business on 1st June 2019. I am very happy with my new compact and cosy workplace.


Contact Us

Hi There,
We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

The Corner Studio, The Square
Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow
A98 T3Y5